Saturday, January 1, 2011


It's 2011 and time for new ideas, projects, patterns, and for resolutions.  What resolutions will you make - and will you keep them?  We always ask these questions each year.
GOALS - we always set new goals for ourselves. We can "shoot for the moon", and if we don't make it, well - after all - we've tried. But the majority of us would like to fulfill these goals!
It's also time to make lists, or at least start them, for which gifts we will make and for whom, this next Christmas! And don't forget about birthdays, and special gifts for special people at other times of the year.
It's also time to update our new 2011 calendars, and to list our monthly meetings, conferences or workshops we will attend, and make sure we save money for it, (and for those extra little things we like to purchase) unless we've already started last year. One way to do this is to figure out the total cost for the conference and divide that into 12 (twelve) months, etc., then we'll know how much a month we need to "put away" for that special conference(s) you wish to attend.
To teach at conferences/workshops, each one will vary what the sponsor is going to contribute towards your expenses. And, of course, feel free to contact other teachers, and see what they do. You never know until you ask - they may save you some valuable time and give awesome tips for accomplishing what you need to. I know they would also like to hear your ideas and expertise as well.
ENJOY and Make the most of it!

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